
नेपालमा कृषिमा आधारित बंधुवा श्रमको अन्त्य परियोजना

कार्यक्षेत्रः  दिपायल सिलगढी नगरपालिका वडा नं. १,,७ ९ शिखर नगरपालिका वडा नं. १,,,६७,८, ११ र सायल गाउँपालिका वडा नं. २,,४ र ५

परियोजनाको उद्धेश्य
१। संगठन निर्माण,सुदिढकरण र परिचालन 
२। मुक्त हलियाहरुको न्याय, क्षतिपूर्ति तथा सेवामा  पहुच स्थापित गराउन नीतिगत वकालत 

मुक्त हलिया समुदाय विशेष गरी महिलाहरुको सशक्त्तिकरण परिचालनजिपिकोपार्जन र वालवालिकाहरुको गुणस्तरिय शिक्षामा पहुँच स्थापित गर्ने । 


PAHUCH Project

Promoting access to recourse Human Rights Uplift Voice and Reach of Individual and community facing Hindrance Project (PAHUCH) Supported by DCA Nepal.


Local Rights Program (LRP)

Local Rights Program supported by ActionAid Nepal.
Mean Objectives 
1. Advance rights of women and PliP through improved governance system and economic opportunities.
2. Advance quality public education as basic rights for children. 
3. Build resilience of vulnerable communities by advancing the agenda of climate justices, green livelihood and enhanced response system.

Working Area : 
1. Dipayal Silgadhi Municipality
2. Shikhar Municipality 
3. K.I.Singh Rural Municipality 
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Strengthening Resilience Livelihood of Poor and Marginalized Farmers (SACAR)

​DCA-Nepal supported The SACAR project is focusing on increased agricultural production especially focusing on minimum two value chain product: Potato, fresh vegetable and Soybean production; Strengthening agriculture value chain and functional marketing system through agriculture marketing cooperatives and collection centre. DCA-Nepal supported, EDC-Nepal implementing SACAR project was established/strengthen and supported 32 farmer groups, four cooperative supports in implemented rural KI singh rural municipality and Purwichauki rural municipality area cooperative have established and support. Finally increased is farmers’ participation, access to and control over productive resources and government services through strengthening of farmer's networks. The project will contribute really through mobilization and strengthening of Cooperative, strengthen community level network (farmer group, ward level farmer network, Disaster risk management committee, etc.) and and market linkage involving with private sectors for its sustainable operation and, to promote profit margin. SACAR project is promoting sustainable livelihood approach. The project site 80% of farmers practiced the value chain activities, 90% used financial services, 70% used sustainable agriculture tools and technologies, and 90% improved storage technologies, accessed to climate smart technologies etc. in past year and increased tentative 40 % selected value chain in last year in project site.
EDC-Doti is implementing the project namely; SACAR in Doti district. This project is focusing on potato and fresh vegetable value chains in project areas. The project has three outcomes; increase agricultural production and employment opportunities, strengthen ability of smallholder farmers and communities to mitigate, adapt to and recover from the impact of climate change and, increase farmer organizations’ access to services and inputs provided by GOs and private sectors. The key activities to achieve these outcomes included in 2019 plans were: conduct Farmer Business School, introduce new crop varieties, promote agro-ecological farming system, promote low cost irrigation system identification and implementation of climate smart and women friendly technologies and practices and supporting mainstreaming of DRR/CCA plan in RM annual Program, lobby and policy advocacy for creating favorable policy environment and its implementation. The key achievements are: out of 32 farmer groups, 20 farmer groups have been registered with palika, 200 commercial farmers produced 585000 kg vegetables from 640 ropani land annually and total net sells achieved for all 200 farmers was NRs. 11,730,000, an average income of individual farmer was NPRs. 85000 annually by selling those produced amounts. Similarly, a total of 32 package of practices of climate smart technologies were promoted, out of 4 cooperatives, only 1 cooperative is fully in function and remaining is still needed of further technical support. Moreover, 40 recharge ponds have been constructed in project sites. Major intervention:
 Scale up improved potato and vegetable seeds verities.
 Promotion of women friendly tools/technologies.
 Capacity building.
 Recharge ponds construction.
 Income generating activities ( Mushroom farming, goat support)
 Farmer business school implementation
 Promotion of water harvesting system.( Irrigation ponds, plastic ponds, garden pipe, drip irrigation etc.).
 Promotion of package base program. ( Shed improvement, plastic tunnel, pond, compost pit)
 Lobby/Advocacy support for access to service and resources.
 Scale up Agro ecological farming practice.
Major achievements:  Farmer groups were registered in Rural Municipality agriculture unit and capacitated to claim services from Govt./NGOs and other relevant agencies. All groups has been conduct monthly meeting.  Before SLP there were normally 5 species of vegetables (Potato, beans, radish, Raya and tomato) was used but after SACAR 8-10 additional verities such as (Cauliflower, Cabbage, Broccoli, Onion, Garlic, Cowpea, Ladies finger, Capsicum, beans, and Mushroom) is cultivating and using by the farmers family. Beside household consumption. Per household were able to additional earned average NPR 80000 yearly.
 100% group member households of project site trained to promote agro ecology in their village for building community resilience and sustainable food production.
 80 % group women member received women friendly tools/technologies (Rake, Gloves, corn cellar, sketcher. The women friendly tools/technologies supportive to reduce workload.
 60% of leader farmers succeed to increase an annual farm yield of products (potato and vegetables) in value chains.
 100 % HHs take diversified food intake with different varieties.
 60% of leader farmers received inputs, technical, and trade service from government service centres.
 40 leader farmers see an average 60% increase in the price of product sold in value chain model.
 40% members from Farmers organization and cooperatives represented into decision-making position of local self-governance committees, groups at different levels.
 NPR 130000 Pargatishil Farmers group succeeds to tap resource from government bodies and private sectors for agro related work and expanding markets.
 40 leader farmer trained in farming techniques of products (potato and vegetables) which are in value chains.
 56 HHs received support to established kitchen garden to fulfil their daily vegetables consumption requirement.
 56 farmer group’s member capacities developed in advocacy skill, rights to food advocacy agenda, government plan, policies and Services.
 SACAR project provided emergency grant subsidy to four cooperative (Per cooperative 512000/00) for mobilizing loan product.
 SACAR project supported to cooperative management SOFTWARE. It is supporting to cooperative transferring digitalization from manual.
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Information of Project 

The PARIWARTAN project is implementing by EDC- Nepal in Doti district supported by EU and DCA since 2019. The short information of project are as follows.

Project Name:

PARticipation, Inclusion and wider CSOs Action’s for Responsive, Transparent and Accountable Local Government in Nepal (PARIWARTAN)

Overall Objective: 

To increase citizens’ meaningful participation in Sub-national-good governance in Nepal

Specific Objective:

To empower citizens and their organizations to effectively engage with the Sub-National Governments in promoting transparency and accountability in the governance processes in Province 7 of Nepal.

Total budget:  For the 48 Months: 316,287 (In EUR)

Project staffs: 11 (Female 3)

The main action will:

(i)             Empower citizens through knowledge and capacity building supports,

(ii)            Promote participatory and inclusive decision making and planning processes,

(iii)           Promote e-governance at LG level for increased transparency and accountability

(iv)          Facilitate LG-PG interface for multiplier effect and

(v)           Strengthen multi-stakeholder engagement approach across the action.

Working Areas :

1. Shikhar Municipality

2. KI Singh Rural Municipality

3. Jorayal Rural Municipality

Expected Result of the project:

1.      Increased knowledge and capacity among citizens and CSOs to engage with and hold the Local Government (LG) accountable for improving governance:

2.     Needs and interests of citizens especially poor and marginalized citizens (women, Dalits and ethnic groups) reflected in LG policies, plans and programmes:

3.     Inclusive and improved service delivery and monitoring mechanism established at LG level:

4.     Increased interactions among LGs and PG to support well-coordinated and need based development policies, plans and programmes in Province 7

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Sustainable livelihoods Promotion Project (SLP-Project)

1. Project Brief Information:

"Sustainable Livelihood Promotion project (SLP)", is funded by the DCA-Nepal and implemented by Equality Development center (EDC-Nepal). The project has been implemented two rural municipalities namely KI Singh and Purwichauki RM in Doti district.  "The project aims to contribute Incomes and food security of smallholder farmers who engaged in production, processing and marketing of value chain based product are enhance on a sustainable basis. The project has reached two RM four wards out of 966 household with annual budget Nrs. 5100000/00 (2019) 

2:  Project Expected Impact, Outcomes:

Impact: Incomes and food security of smallholder farmers who engaged in production, processing and marketing of value chain based product (potato and fresh vegetables) are enhanced on a sustainable basis and practicing climate resilient technologies. 

Outcome 1: Smallholder farmers have increased agriculture productivity and employment opportunities through involving in production of selected promising value chain commodities (potato and vegetables) in value chains.

Outcome 2: Smallholder increased climate change resilience and cultivation of vulnerable communities and household.

Outcome 3: Farmer organizations (FOs)  facilitated for increasing access to service and inputs provided by government and private sector institution in order to increase the extend of investment in agriculture and expanding markets.

3. Project implementation Approaches:

§  Social mobilization: The rural community is facilitated for their capacity building, local institutional strengthening and linkage development with resource organizations for the sustainability of development program.

§  Demand-driven: The communities identify, prioritize, plan, and execute activities based on their needs, capacity and resources as well as market potential.

§  Market led approach and Innovation in development: Project adopt the farmer business school approach (linking value chain production, marketing and cost analysis) to support the rural community to use locally available knowledge, skills and resources efficiently to enhance sustainable livelihoods.

§  Partnership approach: Project working in partnership with Local government and target group helps in scaling up vegetable production.

§  Farmer -to-farmer extension: Farmers also know the best way to talk to each other to transmit technology message.

Funded By : DCA (Dan Church Aid) Nepal

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Our Location

  • +977-094 - 411050, 411185
  • P.O. Box No.: -
  • Dipayal Silgadhi Municipality, Ward No. 5 Silgadhi Doti 7 No Provenance